Today has been a very much needed day off. Haven't done much. . . found a doctor here in Evansville, went to the bank, did some shopping, stopped by Starbucks for a Skinny Peppermint Mocha, and did some housecleaning...pretty low key day.
It's hard to believe that it has been a year since Mamaw passed away, but Huntington's had had her in chains for a long time before she physically passed away. I know that she is in a better place, but the Holidays really do make it tough sometimes.... She was a special part of them....and no one makes cheese ball like she did. :)
I have so much to be Thankful for this Thanksgiving, and I just might need to take a lesson from my third graders in remembering them. During my literacy group last week, I had six of my students read a story about Thanksgiving and a little girl who had to write an essay about one thing she was thankful for. After reading, I had them sit in a circle and go around the circle continuously taking turns saying one thing that they were thankful for. These sweet kiddos went on.....and on...and on. Finally, I had to stop them so that we could write! They named everything from shelter to buses to get to school to books to their favorite teacher. :) They are wonderful.
I am thankful for my husband, my friends, my family, my pets, shelter and transportation, my amazing job and my students, a pay check to buy all of the things that we need, the ability to give to others, my church family and my small group.
I am also thankful for so many little things: Christmas music, coffee, the ability to exercise, the ability to read and write, our financial situation, KLove, fruit, my husband's cooking, pajama pants, workout buddies, my coworkers, my keurig, etc., etc, etc. . .