Today I am thankful for my time spent at home to get some rest. Yes, I said it, I am thankful to be off from work (today anyway) so that I could rest. I needed to catch up after the weekend: dinner with friends at Bonefish and games at our house, lunch with my mom, church, and the bridal show. Probably a little busier than I should have been, but my blood pressure stayed low overall (Thankful for that!), and Sunday night was spent on the couch in my pjs and fuzzy socks..
Today, I stayed in bed past eight, (except for the times I had to get up to go to the bathroom and get a snack!) This never happens, which was exciting. Around six Riley even ran and jumped onto the bed about five times, but I stayed in bed! I knew I needed it.
It was nice staying in my pjs this morning, taking my time making/eating breakfast and having my quiet time. (God is still working on me---teaching me to be content, have peace, not to worry, etc...). I am feeling a difference, but it's taking time, and will continue to take more, I'm sure. It felt nice to not be rushed.
I organized the hall closet and the drawers in my bathroom, and also put another small dent in the nursery closet. That one is still going to take some work! I also went for a slow walk (don't worry, my doctor okayed this). Then a friend came over and we lounged around. She showed me some more about "Swagbucks" and we baked/decorated cookies.
It's been a good day and a nice start to my week.