It got me thinking. Yes, I fully admit that I am a little camera (well, iphone camera) happy. I love to document the little moments that are special to me (the moments that I am sure have my facebook friends rolling their eyes and thinking, seriously, another photo of her daughter smiling at a cheerio or crawling around the living room.) But, it makes my heart happy to document the little moments of her sweet little life, as these little moments go extremely fast. I've heard it said that time spent behind a camera turns into moments that were not treasured and that are hard to remember, but I disagree. I love having the photos to look back at and reminisce, while also living in the moment of, wow, look what she can do today!
Yes, I realize the little things that Eden is doing are things that many babies, okay, all babies before her have done. I get it, but they were not my baby. I love looking the video of the first time she laughed as we poked her belly and tickled her chubby little baby thighs. I'm glad that we have the video of when she learned how to play peek-a-boo with a pillow and the picture of her little butt as she crawled in the bathtub (although, that one won't be posted to're welcome) I'm thankful to have the picture of her smiling up at me bundled up in her snow suit on a snow day and the one of her sitting criss cross on the living room floor patting her puppy.
I also love the sweet little moments that can't be captured by a photo. Like teething in the middle of the night that calls for cuddles in mommy and daddy's bed, yelling momomomom at the top of her lungs on an early morning Target shopping trip, playing peekaboo behind mommy with a stranger while eating dinner at Zuki, kisses to every baby that she sees. I love these moments with her. I love them, captured or not. On that note, it is time for this blog post to end, as sweet Eden is no longer content with her corn snacks and sippy cup. She is ready to play a game of I drop it. You pick it up. Repeat. Over and over.