It is truly bittersweet for me. This year more than ever. Each year, I come to truly love and care about the sweet kiddos in my class. They are my 20 babies. They are special. They are smart. They are talented. They have gifts. And talents. They are silly and bubbly. They have learned. And grown. And succeeded. I wonder, have I told them that enough? Have I shown them? Have I been everything I could for them as their teacher? Do they know what they have taught me, not only what I have taught them? I pray that they do. Will they remember me when they remember 8x8? Will they remember me when they read, just for pleasure? Will they remember me when they find figurative language in poetry? Will they remember me when all of those things fade, and they have jobs and families? Will they remember me with special thoughts of third grade. I pray that they will.
This year, it is truly bitter sweet. As I say good-bye to 20 9-year-old faces eager for summer break, I get to shout, "It's summer!" to one joyful one year old who will be thrilled to have her mommy home. I envision summer days full of swimming in her baby pool, reading book after book, popsicles and ice cream, long walks, CMOE, sidewalk chalk and painting, the list goes on and on. This summer will be gone in the blink of an eye, just like this school year is.