Monday, April 4, 2011

Rainy, stormy, dreary Monday

Today was a good day, even though it was a rainy, cloudy, stormy, dreary Monday, and Howard Roosa was humid and hot inside, even with some of the windows open. I was dripping with sweat while teaching, especially in my third grade classroom--pleasant, I know. I don't know if it was the weather or my smell, but half of that class felt the desire to sleep, while I was teaching. We were reviewing our tests from Friday and kids were nodding off left and right. Were they bored? Maybe! But did they know the stuff? No! Not sure how I could have made it more exciting without singing and dancing in the front of the room. Maybe I could have stood on my head? Who knows...

Four of the fourth graders that I work with today told me that they had put together a committee to talk to the principal about letting me stay when the teacher who is on maternity leave comes back. I was proud of them for coming up with the word 'committee.' I will have to go back and visit them once my time at HR comes to an end.

I have come to the conclusion that married life is, at times, not good for my healthy eating habits. Slushies and Papa Johns Pizza just to name a few reasons.. I gotta kick the 'I'll do better tomorrow' attitude out of my head, and I need to do better now. Tracking my eating habits has helped me to realize that my eating habits are fine until after school and after my workout. Then I just want to eat everything in my sight, and sometimes even in my house. So, I am trying to figure out what to do to stop the ravenous afternoon eating. Any ideas? I would say I eat close to 2/3 of my daily calories at night. Woah!!

Anyway, today was a good day. Tonight Josh and I ordered pizza, and I did some house work. We also just sat around and did nothing. This is not something that normally happens for us. We are not as busy as we were in Seymour, but in some ways, I miss the busyness of spending time with the littles, helping with AWANA, and such. I am ready to begin serving here, and excited to get more involved in our church.

Have a good week everyone!


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