Wednesday, December 19, 2012

24 weeks 1 day

At 24 weeks 1 day, I went in for my regularly scheduled prenatal check up. This was after having a relaxing afternoon of a prenatal massage and orange leaf (still stuck on the chocolate mint, with mini chocolate chips and hot fudge...yum!) I wasn't the least bit worried or stressed about this appointment, as I sometimes am, because I have been feeling Miss Eden moving like crazy in there! However, when the nurse took my blood pressure, she seemed a bit worried, and told me that she was going to take it a second time. She then asked me if my blood pressure is normally quite high. I told her that it is ususally very normal, and has never been high. It was 152/98. She went to get my doctor. My doctor asked me if I had a history of high blood pressure or if anyone in my family had a history of high blood pressure or high blood pressure during pregnancy. I reminded her that my mom suffered from high blood pressure/preclampsia during pregnancy, but not as early as 24 weeks. She then told me that she would like to send me to labor and delivery for a 24 hour observation. Not what I was expecing! Talk about high blood pressure, my heart was racing at this point! She sent me to get an ultrasound before going to labor and delivery to check the growth and fluid of the baby. Lukcily, little miss looked great, was very active, weighed in at 1 pound 8 ounces and had plenty of fluid! Praise God.

Once I was all checked in and laying in a bed upstairs, my blood pressure began slowly going down, and by 10 pm. It was almost back to normal. All of my labs came back great too. I stayed for 24 hours so that they could do a protein count on my urine over the course of 24 hours, and was able to leave at about 4:00 today. The urine test looked great. I will have a follow up appointment this week, but it seems as if everything is good for now! I will be monitoring my blood pressure a few times a day. Being in the hospital made me  even more excited for Miss Eden to come, but not quite yet.  Hoping/praying that the blood pressure stays down.

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