Wednesday, March 6, 2013

35 weeks 6 days

I went to my doctor's appointment yesterday, surprised to find out that my blood pressure was rather high. 156/88, I believe. I was surprised, because I have still been monitoring it at home, and it has been pretty low. Nothing like 156/88. Of course, since things had looked so good, I had just had an appointment last week AND Bethel Manor is currently undergoing their annual state survey, I told Josh that I would be fine to go to my appointment alone so that he could stay at work. My doctor told me she was concerned about the high blood pressure and she also told me that Eden's heart rate was abnormally high. That scared me. She scheduled an ultrasound and then sent orders for me to head to labor and delivery for another 24 hour observation/ urine test to check for protein that could be a sign of preeclampsia.  I called Josh and he headed to the hospital. He made it before the ultrasound, which I was happy about.

In the ultrasound, everything looked great, and the heart rate had slowed down significantly. The ultrasound tech checked it three times, and the doctor was happy with all of heart rates. I really think that her heart rate spiked, because I was nervous/stressed about the high blood pressure. She is still growing well (She now weighs 5 lbs 13 oz), has plenty of fluid, and was practicing breathing. Everything with baby looked great. What a sigh of relief!

When I went upstairs to labor and delivery, they began monitoring my blood pressures, as well as Eden's heart rate, and contractions. My blood pressures stayed pretty high, until I laid on my left side. Then they began to lower. I got blood drawn, which all came back normal. Josh went home and got me clothes, toiletries, dinner, etc. He also stayed the night with me on the terribly uncomfortable couch. I am so  thankful for him. We played cards and watched NCIS. It was a good distraction.

 Now it's just the waiting game until 2:30 when they will collect my twenty four hour urine sample to take to the labs. My doctor is out today, because she was on call last night, so the doctor filling in for her just came in and talked with me. She told me that she expects the urine sample to come back either normal or only slightly abnormal since all of my labs looked so good. She said if it is normal, I will be sent home for bed rest and my doctor will decide what to do about induction. If it is slightly abnormal, she said that I would be sent home for bed rest and we would schedule an induction. She said if it was more than a little abnormal, we would discuss that when the results came back. Looks like bed rest is definitely in my future. We will find out soon enough though.

Thanks for your continued prayers. God has been faithful so far, and  I know he will continue to watch over this pregnancy.

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