Saturday, December 29, 2012

Holidays/26 weeks

The holidays have been a much-needed distraction for me.  Family time. Food. Indianapolis. Friends. Snow. Fuzzy socks. Movies. Reading. Starbucks. Husband time. Crafts. Ya, that about sums it up, and it has been nice. I think I will still have a hard time on January 2nd, when all of the Evans staff returns to school, and on January 3rd, when the kiddos come back, but each day I am able to be more content with my current circumstances. The holidays have definitely helped. Still looking forward to time with my very first best friend, making pizzas and going to orange leaf tomorrow, New Years Eve  date with great friends, a nice dinner, and chocolate fondu, sister in law time for a couple of days, and craft time/ lunch date on Friday.  I have so many things to be thnakful for, and I am reminding myself of that daily. Still having my daily quiet times too. I am reading Calm My Anxious Heart,  as well as devotionals on my phone on the topics Fear, Anxiety, Contentment, and Peace. It is helping. Slowly but surely.

On Thursday, I had my 26 week appointment. My blood pressure was pretty high. 150something over 80something. Highest that it has been since my last appointment. I think it was nerves! Although, it stayed high for most of the following day, and is back to normal now. Could nerves related to the doctor's office really cause my blood pressure to spike and then stay high for that long?? At this appointment, the doctor told me that since there is something abnormal about my pregnancy, she will not allow me to carry past 37 weeks. If I have carried to 37 weeks, I will induced on that date. This puts us at or around March 14th for her arrival (instead of April 4th). I feel like she will be here before we know it, and there is still so much left to do. Good thing, I have 8 hour work days to get it all done. :) Since my due date was pushed up, and she could possibly come sooner, there is a very good chance that I'll be returning to school to finish up the end of the school year. Grandmas have agreed to stay with Miss Eden if this is the case, so that we do not have to start her in daycare until August, when I start a new school year.

That about sums up everything going on for me. Here is how you can pray for us now:
- pray that my blood pressure stays low and does not progress to Preclampsia
- pray that baby stays in until it is a healthy time for her to be born
- pray that I will trust in God, find peace and not be anxious.

Thanks for reading and Happy Holidays

Saturday, December 22, 2012

"Jobless" Perks

I've been off work for 4 days now, and although it feels like much longer, I have begun to look at the perks of being "jobless." I'm writing to share those with you, but before I do, I would like to make a little disclaimer: for those of you who have a job that you love and are able to go to each day, but find yourself dreaming of life without work from time to time, being off work indefinitely is not as glamourous or wonderful as it may seem. Not for someone who loves their job as much as I do.  Nevertheless, I am trying my best to enjoy my time at home, because as many have told me, the next time I will have this extended amount of time off will be retirement (or maybe next time I get pregnant, but I would prefer that it be retirement, as I'm hopeful that this will not be a normal occurance when it comes to my pregnancies...) And since retirement is a long time away, I am trying to enjoy the time that I have been given, even if I would have chosen other use of this time.

Perk 1- A Routine & Quiet Time-When thinking about time off from work, I would have thought that sleeping till 10 am and spending my day in pjs lounging on the couch watching chick flicks would top my list of perks for time off work. However, this is not the case. I am trying my best to keep some kind of routine (mainly for my sanity.) This week I have woken up when Josh gets up to go to work, he's checked my blood pressure (which has been great!), and then we've eaten breakfast together before he heads off for work. After he leaves, then I spend a good amount of time reading my devotionals, spending time in the word and in prayer, and I have to admit it is a great unrushed start to my day. Then I make myself take a shower and get ready for the day. It just makes me feel better.

Perk 2-Pinterest Catch up- Since summer, my Pinterest boards have been terribly neglected, so I have spent the past four days catching up. I have pinned lots of  recipes, baby shower ideas, nursery ideas, some teaching ideas, and more. These pins are giving me random things to do throughout the day. This can be done while laying on the couch with my feet up and the tv on.

Perk 3- Plenty of time to Scrapbook- I love scrapbooking, but rarely have time. I had acutally planned on having each guest at my baby shower create a scrapbooking page for me, so that I could use them to create Miss Eden's scrapbook after she arrives. However, now with all my free time, I have decided to create my own scrapbook for her instead, and I have begun working on it this week. It's something great to do while still relaxing, with my feet up.

Perk 4- Cooking and Baking- This one is somewhat related to Perk 2. Cooking and Baking. I love to do it, but again, rarely do, because I am so busy with school. Most days during this school year, I arrived at 6:30 and left around 4:30. That makes for long days. Then in recent days, I had been walking an hour each day, and that left little time and energy for cooking when I got home. Josh is great about doing it, but it is something I enjoy doing, especially with all the delicious looking ideas that I have pinned on pinterest. So far since I've been off, I have made crock pot beef stew and homemade biscuits, chicken chili,  white chocolate chex mix, chicken/black bean/cream cheese/mexican yumminess that you eat on tortillas, a healthy banana nutella smoothie, and I am excited about trying other recipes that I have pinned (especially the crock pot ones.)

I will keep you updated as I think of more perks, but these are the top 4 this week. Don't get me wrong, I still miss my job, I still miss my class (terribly!) But I am trying my best to be thankful for this time. On Friday afternoon, I was lucky enough to be able to skype with my class, and they seemed to have mixed feelings about whether or not I should be resting or at school teaching them. They were so sweet. They didn't want to start thier Christmas party, because they just wanted to talk with me. I love them!

Have a good weekend and a good Christmas. Do something that you enjoy and consider relaxing.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Monday Appointment, Contentment, and More.

As I mentioned in my last post, I was scheduled for a follow up appointment with my doctor this week. I went in for Monday, and got some unexpected news. She requested that I take the remainder of my pregnancy off from work due to prenatal hypertension. She told me that this is what most doctors would request with someone having hypertension so early in their pregnancy. She also said that it was the only option. She said that she will not be surprised at all if the hypertension eventually progresses into Preclampsia. I was in shock. (I still might be a little.)

And to be honest. I've cried. (at least 5 times) Why? I love my job. I have said numerous times that my job doesn't even feel like work (most of the time) I thought I still had months left with my precious students, months left to perfect my maternity leave notes, months left to prepare these kiddos for the dreaded standardized testing, months left to prepare them for when I am gone. I teach a special education inclusion class, and change is hard for many of these kids. I wanted to do my best to prepare them for such a big change, instead I didn't get to prepare them at all (I was planning to teach until Spring Break!), hardly got a chance to tell them good-bye. By far the hardest part for me is that since I am on FMLA, I am unable even to step foot into the school, so no visiting, at all. How do you explain that to eight and nine year olds? I'd hate for them to think that I don't want to visit them...

Even though this news is still very fresh, God is already at work, and that is how I know that all of this, even if I don't understand it, even if it's not what I want for myself, is all part of God's perfect plan for my life and for my little girl's. I'm pretty sure God wanted to make very clear that he was speaking to me in the past 36 hours or so. Let me explain.

I read a pregnancy devotional book each morning, but I had gotten a little behind in the book, so last night I got the book out to catch up. The topic for the day that I was on was Finding Contentment, followed by the verse, Philippians 4:12-13, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation  whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength."  I know that I haven't been definitely "content" with the situation that I am in right now, so I just thought, Ok, God, I get it. On a side note, I took a sneak peek ahead in my devotional and the topic is. Making Sacrifies for Your Baby, with the verse, "Whatever you do, do everything for God's glory-  1 Corinthians 10:31.

Anyway, I put away my devotional book, and got out my kindle. Someone recommended the book, Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow. lo and behold, God reminded me again of Philippians 4:12-13, along with the following recipe for contentment.

  • Never allow yourself to complain about anything--even the weather.
  • Never picture yourself in any other circumstances or someplace else.
  • Never compare your lot with another's.
  • Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise.
  • Never dwell on tomorrow--remember that tomorrow is God's, not ours.
I am sad to admit that I have been doing all of the above, but God is at work.  He just might think I need to hear about contentment more than one time...

This morning before I got into the shower, I turned on an audio devotional. I have gotten into this habit this school year. This morning, the devotional was Joyce Meyer, and the topic was.....Consistently Content! God definitely knows me well, and knows that I need lots and lots and lots of reminders.

So, if you've actually made it through this novel-blog, I would appreciate prayers in the following ways.
  • That I will be content with the circumstances that God has given me at this time of my life.
  • That my blood pressure will stay low and my condition won't progress to Preclampsia too early.
  • That Eden will stay healthy and continue growing inside for a long while!
  • That God will be with my class and their new teacher, and help them to all adjust well.
Today I am thankful:
  • for a husband who takes care of me, eats breakfast (that he cooks) with me before he goes to work, and learns to take blood pressure  manually so that we don't have to use a digital machine.
  • that my baby girl is growing nicely, despite my Hypertension.
  • for my mom who came to bring me lunch, decorate cookies with me, and keep me company
  • for friends and family who are supporting me, encouraging me, and spending time with me
  • for the first semester that I got to teach my wonderful class at Evans.
  • for supportive administrators at my school
  • for Evans faculty who are keeping me posted and updated 
Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers!

24 weeks 1 day

At 24 weeks 1 day, I went in for my regularly scheduled prenatal check up. This was after having a relaxing afternoon of a prenatal massage and orange leaf (still stuck on the chocolate mint, with mini chocolate chips and hot fudge...yum!) I wasn't the least bit worried or stressed about this appointment, as I sometimes am, because I have been feeling Miss Eden moving like crazy in there! However, when the nurse took my blood pressure, she seemed a bit worried, and told me that she was going to take it a second time. She then asked me if my blood pressure is normally quite high. I told her that it is ususally very normal, and has never been high. It was 152/98. She went to get my doctor. My doctor asked me if I had a history of high blood pressure or if anyone in my family had a history of high blood pressure or high blood pressure during pregnancy. I reminded her that my mom suffered from high blood pressure/preclampsia during pregnancy, but not as early as 24 weeks. She then told me that she would like to send me to labor and delivery for a 24 hour observation. Not what I was expecing! Talk about high blood pressure, my heart was racing at this point! She sent me to get an ultrasound before going to labor and delivery to check the growth and fluid of the baby. Lukcily, little miss looked great, was very active, weighed in at 1 pound 8 ounces and had plenty of fluid! Praise God.

Once I was all checked in and laying in a bed upstairs, my blood pressure began slowly going down, and by 10 pm. It was almost back to normal. All of my labs came back great too. I stayed for 24 hours so that they could do a protein count on my urine over the course of 24 hours, and was able to leave at about 4:00 today. The urine test looked great. I will have a follow up appointment this week, but it seems as if everything is good for now! I will be monitoring my blood pressure a few times a day. Being in the hospital made me  even more excited for Miss Eden to come, but not quite yet.  Hoping/praying that the blood pressure stays down.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Oh The Things Kids Say..

As a third year teacher, second year full-time third grade teacher, and second year TAP school teacher, I have had many observations; however I am still not fond of these observations...Getting better, but still not a highlight of my school year, by any means.... Still not something I tend to do a happy dance about. While I realize that they are beneficial, and I am always thankful for them after they are over, and after receiving feedback, they are never completely pleasant while they are taking place. If you are a teacher, or especially if you are a TAP teacher, I am sure you can relate.....

Anyway, these TAP observations happen four times a year. Two are announced. Two are unannounced. Today marked my first unannounced observation, and while I thought the lesson overall was a good, engaging lesson, I have to blog about the things a couple of my kids said during the lesson, because I am sure I will look back and laugh....someday, and when that day comes, I want to remember them... That will be a day when observations no longer make me so nervous.

Anyone who knows me, knows I tend to get a little on the blotchy/red side when I get nervous. It becomes a nice covering over my chest and neck. There is no hiding it, except with a turtleneck, which I happened to not be wearing today. As I am teaching, one of my oh-so-favorite students said, "Mrs. Bowman, why is your neck getting so red?!" This is a comment that I chose to ignore, hoping that the topic would be dropped. A few minutes later, another student, said, "Mrs. Bowman, I'd like to make a connection to the hippopotamus in the story." I quieted the class, and told them all that this child was making a connection and we all needed to listen. (In fact I was feeling quite proud that my students are so good at making connections. :) When everyone was quiet, this student said, "My connection is that the pink sunscreen all over the hippopotamus is kind of like Mrs. Bowman's neck." Yep, he said it. I sarcastically told him that I was so glad that we took the time to listen to such a wonderful connection.

Oh, the things kids say!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

18 weeks

A week ago from today close friends and relatives gathered at our house to find out the gender of our little one, after much suspense. The votes were in.... 9 of our friends and family voted boy, while 7 voted girl. Turns out my initial instinct and daddy's gut feeling were....... wrong. The cake was very pink. Baby Bowman is a little girl. Her name will be Eden Ansley Bowman. Can't wait to welcome her to our world in April! It's becoming even more real...

This week I began feeling the little flutters of baby kicking for the first time....It's easiest to feel when I'm laying in bed or sitting still. . . It would be easy to miss if I wasn't paying attention . Sometimes it just feels like a little flutter and other times a little bit stronger. It is wonderful, and I can't wait to feel her even more.

I've had a few cravings lately---brownie batter frozen yogurt from Orange leaf with mini chocolate chips and hot fudge is a recurring craving. I've had to fulfill it multiple times, and each time it hits the spot. Another craving.....sushi. I fulfilled it with a California Roll, which I didn't really like before being pregnant, but I knew it was as good as it was going to get until baby is born. It tasted much better than I remembered!


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fall & Baby

Fall is in full swing and I am loving every minute of it. The cool, crisp air is perfect for long walks, baking cutout pumpkin cookies with the husband, corn mazes,hot soup, apple fritters, Fall Festival, hiking, long naps on Sunday afternoon, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin bread, apple picking, and apple cider. All of the things I have already had the pleasure of enjoying this Fall. Still waiting for bonfires, camping trips, passing out candy to trick-or-treaters, class field trip to Goebel farms, and baking homemade apple dumplings. Notice how many of my favorite Fall things this year involve food?

I am now 14 weeks and 3 days pregnant, and it has been a quick, mostly painless, and joy-filled filled ride so far. Although, I am quite the worrier, as always, and I find myself worrying now more than ever. When these worries creep into my mind, I try to think of the words that God has given me...and then for a brief moment, I wonder, why did I ever worry in the first place?  Everything is in his hands and his plan is the perfect this. I know this. Just have to be reminded, again, and again, and again....

-Phillipians 4:6-7- Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, present your requests to the Lord with thanksgiving, and his peace which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

-Matthew 6:25-27 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?
-Matthew 6:34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

In other baby news, next week we will possibly find out the gender of our little one. I say possible, because it may still be too early..... Will it be a girl (Eden) or a boy (Hayden.) I am not sure, but cannot wait to find out. God has blessed us so much, and I am so thankful for all that he is doing in our lives right now.

Hope you are all enjoying this season as much as I am!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


 The school year came to a teary end last Tuesday as I hugged the kids who had found a special place in my heart good-bye and scooted them out the door towards the awaiting buses and the fourth grade--my first class, kids full of spunk and attitute and wonderful strengths.  I think they taught me as much as I taught them; patience with one another, forgiveness, kindness, the eagerness to learn. I couldn't have asked for a better first year of teaching (overall.) Sad to say good-bye, but also a huge sigh of relief. I'm finished. I made it. It wasn't perfect, but I survived my first year of teaching, and with some special memories that I will never forget.

I spent the weekend unwinding at Kentucky Lake with the family. A weekend full of sunbathing (getting slighlty crisp), pontoon boating, cold drinks, peanut butter milkshakes, dinner at Patti's, hikes in the woods, and lazing in the pool. It. Was. Marvelous. And just what I needed to refresh myself for summer school.

You can tell that summer is in  full swing at the Bowman household, because I have begun baking and cooking again! I made homemade brownies and icing, blueberry zucchinni bread (wonderful!!), and today I have chicken tacos simmering in the crock pot. I have to keep this up. Josh made fried zucchinni last night with our dinner and he actually liked it! Good thing, because it's practically coming out of our ears.

I'm looking forward to this summer. So many things to cross off the summer to do list. . . 
  • Teaching summer school (day 1 was definitely a pleasant success)
  • Long bike rides! (Had a 22 mile one on Sunday with a great friend! :)
  • Relaxing poolside (Can't wait for Thursday with my best friend!)
  • Pool parties
  • Kentucky Lake trip (3 weeks and counting)
  • boating
  • reading (Currently Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter for a book study and Ephesians from the Bible.)
  • working on my classroom (library and literacy centers)
  • cups of coffee on the patio in the early morning (Sure wish Donut Bank delivered...)
  • long walks with Riley
  • cooking yummy summer pinterest dishes (Feel free to post if you have any good ones!)
Happy summer everyone & thanks for reading!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring Break 2012

Ahhhh, Spring Break was a breath of fresh air---I may not even have known how badly I needed it, but it was a wonderful blessing of a break. It was simply a bonus that the fresh air happened to be Sunny Florida air. :)

Our trip started out with a hail storm. but alas we made it out of Evansville and away from the dreadful Spring storm. For those of you who know me, you know how happy that made me! We drove through the night with a short stop in Georgia to sleep, and then on we went.. Not sure that I want to know how much caffeine Josh had that night.

We arrived in Lakeland on Saturday morning bright and early. I  think Josh's Grandmother was a little surprised to see us so soon. While in Lakeland, we lounged by the pool, read, watched the Hunger Games at the IMAX theater (totally a fan!) enjoyed the best strawberry shortcake ever (a must have if you're in the area) at Parksdale Farms, went to a flea market and a mom and pop restaurant, and played Bingo with the folks in the retirement community. (Josh was totally in his element here.)  We also attempted to play tennis (without much luck) and took a couple of walks at Lake Parker.  It was a nice/relaxing time.

On Tuesday morning we said our good-byes and headed onward to the happiest place in the world--Disney World!! We spent the day at Epcot. It wasn't too crazy-busy, so we were able to do pretty much everything that we wanted to do. We ate lunch in Germany. The buffet was good, and we chatted with the families seated at our table. We also enjoyed the drinks in Mexico. Yum! It was fun, maybe even better than I remember it as a kid.

Tuesday evening we headed to our final destination----Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. My cousin Daniel is assistant principal at an elementary school there. He and Clint live there, just minutes from the beach, and with my last visit to Daniel being Spring Break my senior year of high school, I figured it was time for another trip--long over due! Highlights of our time there were: beach time, lunch at the Floridian, going on an air boat tour in the Everglades, going to West Palm Beach to the Cheesecake Factory to meet my cousin Ben and his girlfriend Amanda, visiting Miami, and walking along South Beach. Definitely a wonderful time and even better to spend it with family.

On Thursday night, Josh and I began our drive back to Indiana, and it was dreadful. I was so tired of being in the car and I know Josh was too. When we crossed over into Indiana, I don't think I had ever been so excited to be in Evansville. I probably could have done a happy dance, but I was too tired. As wonderful as our vacation was, I think I can honestly say that it felt just as good (if not better) to be home. We went grocery shopping and I was excited to get some new workout clothes and some healthy groceries. When we got home, I took a shower and we walked across the street to Rounders Too. Pizza never tasted so good! Some other highlights of the weekend were Josh finishing up the patio (It looks fantastic!), Zumba and Core on Saturday morning, pedicures with my mom, highlight with Justine Brock, grilling out and eating dinner outside, teaching at Sontown at church, Palm Sunday service, lunch with our small group friends, bike ride, walk, and swim for Riley at the Bluegrass Fish and Wildlife Area. Wow, I feel so blessed.

This week has been wonderful. I am so thankful and so happy..
I am also so not ready to go back to school . . .but I'm sure tomorrow morning at 4:30 a.m. when my alarm clock goes off, I will be bouncing out of bed....umm. . . positive thinking, right? Have a great week everyone!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sushi and Wine Kinda Day

Awesome workout tonight. 

Followed by one of my favorite dinners. California Roll and Red Wine. Don't worry, I added it into my calorie counter, and still have some calories to spare! Surprising, since I sat at my desk during my planning period indulging in skittles and m&m's, which I really don't think I even tasted..... I was just at a loss of what to do, so munching on those treats (meant to be for my students) is sadly what I did. .  .Unfortunately the m&ms, sushi, and red wine, won't be friends of mine tomorrow when it comes time to stand on the dreaded scale. . .Oh, the price I pay for my team.. . 

I love my job. I am so blessed to have a good job! So, never take me as complaining when I say that I am stressed. It really isn't a bad stress. It's just the, I really want to be the best teacher that I can be, and I really want my students to learn to their full potential!

On that note, I have post assessments to grade, lesson plans to make, house to clean, and eventually sleep to get. :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Awesome Work Out!!

Work out tonight was tough, but awesome!! We did lots of squats, standing lunges, and a pretty good workout on the step. We did some arms, but the focus was on the legs and glutes, and mine are burning! Came home to a wonderful dinner prepared by my amazing husband; baked fish, green beans, and corn. I contemplated a margarita but did not want to add 279 calories to my total for today! Woah! After dinner we had a walk with Riley. I told my students that one of my New Years Resolution's was to walk my dog ever day---now I can finally tell them that I am actually following through. It was a nice walk, but walking in the cold makes me long for Spring even more. . . or at least Spring Break! 

Well, it's back at it again tomorrow, and I'm excited for the kiddos to be back!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Time to Get Serious- 34 Days to Go!

The Husband and I have been working on the whole "healthy eating thing." I have to do better now that the Valentine's/Birthday festivities are over....No more excuses!! A girl's body can only handle so many pasta entrees from Biaggis and DiLeggis, it really can only take so many Valentine's chocolates, spoonfuls of cookie dough (I was making my class Cookie Pops...who can resist funfetti batter???) It's time to say enough when it comes to chips and salsa and sugary drinks....time to take a break from pizza and breadsticks, and the delicious treats that Mary Paul also seems to want to share on our daily lunch dates. It's time to put the four boxes of Girl Scout cookies on the top shelf of the pantry (out of sight, out of mind).It's time to  say good-bye until after Spring Break  . It's time to get serious! 34 days until Spring Break! We plan to spend some time with Josh's grandparents in Lakeland, Florida, visit Disney, then make our way down to Ft. Lauderdale to spend some time with my cousin, Daniel. I am so looking forward to sunny weather, strawberry shortcake, and spending time with family.

We cleaned out our pantry and fridge/freezer today and got rid of a box of foods that are too processed or unhealthy. We are working on eating more whole/naturals food products. Tonight Josh made Italian Parmesan Crusted Chicken, broccoli, and fruit salad. We had a piece of Healthy Life  bread with it and it really was a pretty good meal. I biked 18 miles today at the gym and then we took Riley for a walk. I'm so ready for warmer weather so that we can take longer walks each day and so that they can actually be enjoyable.

This time last year, I was using this blog as a place to share what I was reading from Lysa Terkehurst's book Made to Crave.  A year later, I truly believe that this book changed the way I look at food. Now, I year later, I plan to use this blog again as a way to keep myself accountable when it comes to the lifestyle that it is sometimes a battle to maintain. One of healthy eating and exercise, but not of obsession with the two. I feel like it is a fine line that I am often dancing around.

On a school note, most EVSC Schools are off tomorrow, but not us. We will be spending our day going over student data. I'm hoping that this will help me feel even more prepared for the upcoming testing. I saw the picture below, and thought it fit.

Have a nice week, everyone!!