Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Mommy Day

I was planning on taking Eden to daycare for the afternoon today so that I could get my hair done, but I didn't sleep...pretty all....last night----my brain just wouldn't turn off-- so I asked Josh to take her this morning, thinking that I would sleep in. Didn't happen, so I'm working on being productive today to keep my mind off of the fact that in less than one week this baby has to come out.  I've done it before, right? Shouldn't be scary, right? Aghhh.. I'm looking forward more than anything to him being here, but not actually looking forward to the getting him here part. Not looking forward to the  IV, or the numbing shot or the spinal shot, or the out of control part, or the possible puking part, or the fact that my uterus will be outside of me laying on my chest. Yep, not looking forward to that.

So on that being productive..I've spent the morning planning for Edens second birthday party (less than a month away!!!), Alyssa's bridal shower, and organizing the nursery. This afternoon, I have plans for lunch with Chelsea, hair appointment (last color and cut before Emmett comes), and I might even stop and use one of my birthday gift cards to get a latte at Starbucks.... and during it all, I get to do the lovely 24 hour urine sample, one last time to check for any underlying Preeclampsia. The lab forgot the pilgrim's hat to pee into, so it's gonna be one of the more interesting urine collections--and I may or may not be using Eden's potty. Don't judge.

Time to stop blogging. and stop watching Parenthood (seriously, how did I not find this series sooner!?) and get back onto that whole being productive thing!

Adventures with Eden

I cannot get over how much fun and how exciting each new day with Eden is as she grows older and bigger and learns so many new things... Every day is something new.

On singing...She has learned how to sing her very first song all the way through, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. One of the best renditions was probably when she was sick, sleeping in between mommy and daddy, and she sat up out of a dead sleep in the middle of the night, singing it. Then she laid back down and fell asleep. That same night she sat up and said, "pizza? pizza?" I think the breathing treatments...or the beandryl..or a combination of both, made her a tiny bit loopy, but boy was it cute. It's basically the only song she can sing, but she wants to sing it all the time. On a rare occasion, she will sing part of "I love you" from Barney and "Row, row, row your boat."

On talking...Her vocabulary is growing so much and she is putting full sentences together, asking what things are all. of. the. time., pointing out colors, counting, and telling us just exactly how she feels about everything. Anytime she leaves the room, she has to yell, "I be right back." Anytime she wants to help buckle her car seat, or get her own diaper, or open the door, or close the door, or put on her bib, "Mommy, I do it!" Anytime she is leaving, or pretending to leave, she yells, "Bye bye, seeya, have fun!" She proudly tells us now, "I'm a big girl." I'm hoping she keeps that attitude when baby brother arrives, and doesn't regress into being a baby again, although I have a feeling this will be a phase that she will go through.

On temper tantrums...Yep, she's got that down, just like any almost-two-year-old does. Yesterday for instance, going in to the doctor's office, she wanted to push her stroller, and when Josh pushed it instead, so that we could make it into the office in a decent amount of time, she threw herself on the ground screaming and crying--to everyones' amusement.

On just being adorable...This week I also got my favorite video of her ever. She picked up the stethoscope that goes along with the blood pressure cuff and said, "I'm a doctor," she put it on my stomach, and started saying, "beep beep, beep beep, beep beep," listening to the baby's heart beat of course... :)

On her interests...She loves all things Minnie Mouse, wants to listen to Barney Music 24/7, would watch Daniel Tiger for hours (if we would let her), she loves pretty much all food, but yogurt, fruit, cheese, bananas, applesauce are all her favorites. She's a mommy's girl but loves when daddy chases her and reads to her and spins her around. 

I never knew how much love I could have for my sweet daughter. I can't believe that in less than a month she will be a two. No one is kidding when they say, "They grow up so fast."