Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 11

Sorry that it has been 3 days. (I vowed to at least blog every other day.)  Time just flies. I started my new job today as a 9 week extended sub at Howard Roosa with 1-4 grade Special Education and I think I am really going to like it. The staff there is wonderful.

Anyway, the Made to Crave topic is, It's Not Fair! This one definitely applies to me, because I can definitely say that I've felt that way and thought that thought a time or two, or maybe three? Can I get an Amen? Do you know what I am talking about?

This is the verse, to get us focused: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.… That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:9–10)

Lysa shares this story in her blog, that I can totally relate to, "A huge piece of delicious looking cake was delivered to our table. It was my favorite … it was our anniversary … and it was free! But I was at the beginning of my healthy eating adventure, which excluded sugary confections. So I graciously 
offered it to my husband. But inside a different dialogue was playing in my mind, “It’s not fair!”

Man have I ever felt that way! At times I long, wish, crave, to be able to inhale a large coke and a mozzerrela sticks like nobody's business, while still maintaining the tiny waist that said person (*cough, my husband) is able to maintain. I wish that I could enjoy that rich, moist chocolate cake with creamy vanilla ice-cream at that restaurant like my close friend does, without any guilt..or weight added 
to my thighs. But for me, that's just not how it is.

"I think this is one of the biggest tricks Satan plays to get us to give in to temptation. Saying “It’s not fair!” has caused many a girl to toss aside what she knows is right for the temporary thrill of whatever it is that does seem fair. We complain, “It’s not fair that I gain weight so easily when everyone else seems to eat whatever they want and stay trim.”

Now, realize that the dessert itself is not the problem. But if one piece of dessert leads to two and that leads to other compromises, which leads to wrecking our whole healthy eating plan, then the downward spiral reflects how temptation traps us in so many areas of life. I’ve experienced this vicious cycle myself, and I’m here to give you hope that it is possible to conquer it."

When I began to get the, It's Not Fair, mindset, then I know that I am relying on my own strength and not on God's. That is when I begin to make justifications. "She can do it, so I should be able to too." "It's my birthday." "I've been so good." "It's just one time." "Everyone else is doing it." "What can it hurt?" This is when I know that I need to turn to God's strength. "With God ALL things are possible."

Lysa tells the following story, " This battle reminds me of the time I counseled a dating couple about setting boundaries in their physical relationship. They were looking forward to the best that marital sex had to offer, but struggled with maintaining purity in the face of immediate and temporary passion. They were tempted with the thought, “It’s not fair that we can’t have sex before we’re married when we’re so in love. Everyone else does.” My advice to them was to think beyond the moment, to say out loud, “This feels good now, but how will I feel about this in the morning? The truth is, compromising my commitments for the sake of physical pleasure is not God’s best for me.”

The same advice powerfully applies to our area of struggle. As we recite truth, God’s power can fill the gap of our weakness. I don’t know what you might be struggling with today, but I can assure you that God is just and fair. There is a good reason why we must face our temptations. The struggle to say “no” may be painful in the moment, but the process is working out something magnificent within us.

I think it is important to memorize the words that God has given us that deal with unhealthy food choices. This way, when temptations come our way, we can battle them with God's word, and how could we not win?!

1 comment:

  1. I bet you rock Spec. Ed. I taught Ele. Moderate and severe my first years teaching then moved to high school Mild, Mental.....LOVED IT! But I really love being home with my posse!
