Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 8

My interview at Joshua Academy went very well, but they will not be making decisions about teaching positions for next year for a couple of months. The principal ensured me that they would not forget about me. Today, I had a meeting at Evansville Christian School to begin subbing there and I have my interview on Friday to begin subbing in EVSC. I'm ready to get busy and start getting my feet in some doors! Josh and I went out for Valentine's last night. He got me a card and Gerber Daisies (our wedding flower) They're really pretty. We had an appetizer at Stoney's and dinner at Angelos, the restaurant we went the night we got engaged and last Valentines Day. It was a very good night.

Made to Crave
Have you ever had the I'll Start Again on Monday attitude? I know I have, along with probably almost every other woman whose ever attempted a diet or healthy eating plan. This is the theme for day 8, and this is the verse that goes along with it:
 “Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my sighing. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you with expectation.
I have definitely had the thoughts of I'll Start Again on Monday, more recently than I would prefer to admit. Mine was a little different though. It was an attitude of I'll Start Again Once we Move. . It'll be easier then.  Before we moved though, I needed  to treat myself to countless dinners out with friends, and of course ordering a salad for our last dinner out wouldn't even make sense, and I needed to have that ice cream one more time, and of course we had to try that new restaurant before we left .. . and I must have peanut butter pie. . . It goes on and on, and now that we are here I have realized that the "I'll start later later" attitude just won't cut it. It is a vicious cycle and a set of lies that just ends in defeat and dissatisfaction. 

 Lysa says, "I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to wander around on a fruitless path unable to enter into the abundant life God has for me."

Each day we have to choose to make God our focus, not food. It is a continuous choice. Use your cravings as a prompt to pray. When I really want that unnecessary late night snack that my husband is having, I pray. When I'd prefer the fried chicken over the grilled, I pray. When it's been a stressful day, instead of raiding the cabinets for something sweet, I pray. This is not what I always do, but this is the journey that I am on---
Eventually, I hope to be able to tell you that every time I have a craving, I replace it with a prayer. 

Lysa says, For example, when we make God our focus, we can wake up in the morning and say “God, I want a biscuit this morning. Instead, I’m eating poached eggs. I’m thankful for these eggs, but I’ll be honest in saying my cravings for other things are hard to resist. But instead of wallowing in what I can’t have, I’m making the choice to celebrate what I can have.”

What better way to live than fully in today rather than always looking to start over on Mondays!

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