Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 5 & Seeya Laters

I did not read my Made to Crave Chapter today, and I am not in the right mindset to do so right now. Too many things on my mind. Today was too busy to cram it in with not getting enough sleep last night, packing, kindergarteners, packing, dinner with friends, cleaning, packing, saying good-byes...I mean, see ya laters, and did I mention packing? If nothing else today, I thought a lot about how I need to be so much more conscious about the food that I eat. Don't even ask how many pieces, uhmmm,I mean loaves of bread I had at Johnny Carinos. But I think right now, God is working on getting me to realize where my cravings are. So that is all I have to say about that. . .  :)

I failed to mention some very important people in my last blog. I guess I just took for granted that the amazing friends I've made here would know how much I am going to miss them, but I also expect that they will be here when come back for visits, unlike the ELC and AWANA kids/friends. The ELC is closing after this year, although my kids would be moving on anyway (but until then I will be pen-paling with my class from last semester via email. . . I am very excited to stay in touch with them this way!), and I will never be here on a Wednesday night for AWANA. Amazing friends like Chrissy & Neil, Manda & DJ, The Bible study groups, ELC friends, and everyone else we have spent time getting to know, will so be missed. BUT I am determined that because good-byes make me sad, this is not good-bye, this is Seeya later Alligator. . .or maybe just Seeya later. We will stay in a cabin in the mountains sometime together. There will be shopping trips and dinners...And one day our little ones will play together, because those are the kind of friendships that last. :)

Anyway, it is time to get back to the joy of packing.
This very well could be my very last post from this old farmhouse.
I'll meet ya in Evansville. :)

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